Annual Physicals
An annual physical is one of the most powerful tools you have when it comes to your health and well-being, especially if you have a comorbid condition. At Neighborhood Medical Center in Dallas, Dr. Martin G. McElya provides comprehensive annual exams that are key in spotting potential risks before they become major medical issues.

What is Checked at an Annual Physical?
During your annual physical, Dr. McElya performs the following:
Baseline information gathering
To get started, Dr. McElya checks basic vital signs including your temperature, blood pressure, respiration rate, and heart rate. He also measures your height and weight. All of these measurements are added to your medical history and provide useful baseline information.

What If My Annual Physical Spots a Problem?
An annual physical is designed to do exactly that — spot anything that might be of consequence to your health. For example, if Dr. McElya notices that your blood pressure is on the high side and you’ve gained some weight, he suggests ways to address both to eliminate much larger problems down the road. Whatever Dr. McElya discovers, he has ample opportunity to investigate further and point you in the right direction for prevention or treatment.