At Neighborhood Medical Center, Dr. McElya offers a pre-op clearance service to ensure that a patient is medically fit and able to handle the physical requirements of surgery and recovery. This process of evaluating a patient’s health prior to a surgical procedure includes a detailed evaluation of the patient's history, laboratory results, radiology studies, and any other tests they may need to determine their physical condition and risk for complications.
It is important for the surgeon to receive this pre-op clearance, as it is designed to identify any pre-existing medical conditions, uncover any possible risks, and ensure that the patient has adequate preparation for the type of surgical procedure being performed. In addition, pre-op clearance can help to reduce the risk of post-operative complications such as infection, excessive bleeding, increased pain, or delayed healing.
At Neighborhood Medical Center, Dr. McElya will review your complete medical history in detail, including prior surgeries, any medications being taken, any relevant allergies, current lifestyle habits, and any other pertinent information.
Your physical examination and laboratory work will be performed to assess your heart and lung health, as well as blood, urine, and imaging tests to check for other conditions.
Based on your results, Dr. McElya may order additional tests as necessary. Once this analysis is complete, Dr. McElya will provide a full assessment and recommendations to ensure that you have an optimal surgical outcome.