Are You Getting Enough Vitamin B-12? 🌟
Vitamin B-12 is a powerhouse for your health, yet many fall short in getting an adequate amount. At Neighborhood Medical Center, we're here to help you understand the signs of deficiency:
⚠️ Anemia
⚠️ Fatigue
⚠️ Weakness or lightheadedness
⚠️ Rapid heartbeat
⚠️ Shortness of breath
⚠️ Pale skin
⚠️ Sore, inflamed tongue
⚠️ Numbness or tingling in extremities
⚠️ Confusion, memory loss
⚠️ Behavioral changes like irritability or depression
Don't ignore the signs! Talk to us about your vitamin needs and let's ensure you're thriving. 💊💪